How to Play Mahjong 8K8 | Detailed Instructions For Newbies 

How to play Mahjong is an issue that is currently of concern to many members. This is an important step to help you have a solid foundation of knowledge to avoid making mistakes while participating. Understanding that, 8K8 will guide you in the most detailed way through the following article, please pay attention!

Basic information before learning how to play Mahjong

Post Mahjong – Thinking strategy game originating from neighboring China. To start a game, 4 to 6 people will need to participate at the same time. While in countries like Japan, Korea or the Hong Kong area, there are often variations with a smaller number of players, usually 3 hands.

Game with cards made of horn, ivory or plastic, usually with 4 players. Players must apply their strategies to win the game (also known as buzzing).

The hypothesis is that, 8k8 card games were created by a nobleman in Shanghai around the 1850s, some say around 1870-1875, and initially they were cards made of paper.  Although it is an entertaining sport, it requires players to be qualified, and crafting cards requires a lot of effort and is of course expensive.

Mahjong there are many different ways to play, the number of chess pieces also varies from place to place with different rules. In this article we will learn how to play Hong Kong style, because this is the basic way to play, from which we can refer to other ways of playing.

Regulations on 1 standard mahjong table

The table Mahjong is an indispensable tool in this game. The Chinese mahjong table is quite simple, it has a square surface, each side is about 80 cm long and about 60 – 85cm high; When playing, people often spread a towel so that the cards do not get scratched.

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Game table mahjong ways 2 of the Philippines is a special tool about 90cm high, also has a square face with each side about 90 – 95 cm long and has a surrounding edge, the 3 – 4cm high edge is covered with leather or felt. The table top is also lined with a hard, smooth and dark colored nylon or mica material; usually blue or green to increase contrast, making the cards (usually brightly colored) stand out more.

The purpose of covering the table surface with a smooth and hard material is so that when the cards are played, the cards do not fall out and can run more easily on the table surface. Over a period of use, it will be difficult to avoid contamination of the table surface, and the smoothness will also decrease somewhat. At this time, people will use a layer of chalk to apply on the table to help with work rub Lessons become easier.

How to play Mahjong using what deck of cards?

Essentially a deck of cards, Mahjong is very diverse, depending on the regulations and preferences of each region and changing accordingly. However, the most basic will be a total of 160 troops divided into sets as follows:

Nac card

Divided into 3 different types: Books – Literature – Literature with separate symbols.

  • Book: There are a total of 36 pieces in the Book row, marked with the shape of a bamboo tree with numbers ranging from 2 to 9, especially Nhat Sach will have the image of a sparrow.
  • Swastika: A total of 36 pieces, all marked with a red swastika below, above are the Chinese numbers from 1 to 9.
  • Literature: Also includes all 36 pieces, denoted by small circles in order from 1 to 9.

Ministry of Finance

In gameplay Mahjong China is also called the set of winds, including 7 types: 4 directions East/West/South/North and the remaining are Central/Phat/White pieces. Each type has 4 pieces, for a total of 28 pieces.

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Flower Set/Four Seasons

The Flower Set includes 4 types of flowers, namely: Apricot – Orchid – Chrysanthemum – Bamboo with corresponding images numbered from 1 to 4. And the Four Seasons are similar to Spring – Summer – Autumn – Winter.

Four Emperors/Four Queens

The Four Emperors are also called by players by another name, Vuong. Because the pieces are all symbolized by the word King below with the Chinese numbers above in four letters from 1 to 4. The Four Queens are similar but the King will be replaced by Queen. Sometimes these two suits can be replaced with other Chinese suits: Cam – Ky – Thi – Hoa and Ngu – Tieu – Canh – Doc.

Frame Set

In gameplay Mahjong, Normally the Frame set will be used to replace other cards, including 2 specific types:


Green frames with 4 types:

  • Total: Used to replace all other pieces. 
  • Barrel: Replaces the piece in the Van row. 
  • Soc: Replaces the Books. 
  • Curtain: Used instead of troops belonging to the Van row.

Red frames also include 4 types:

  • Hoa: Switch with Tai Phao.
  • Hy: Used to replace the 4 winds.
  • Nguyen: Can be exchanged with Trung – Phat – Bach.
  • Hop: Replaces the troops Nac Van, Nac Sach, and Nac Van.

Detailed instructions for playing Mahjong for beginners

Because it is a game originating from China, understanding how to play Mahjong requires patience. The following is a sequential process for you to grasp the rules more firmly: 

Method of dealing cards

  • According to regulations, preparing and dealing cards is done according to specific steps with 4 hands sitting in 4 directions East – West – South – North.
  • First, all the cards will be face down on the table, then players will shuffle them to create randomness. 
  • Next, the hand in the East will do the same thing and roll 2 or 3 dice to calculate the deal points.
  • Based on this score, cards will be dealt to each player. According to the rules, each hand receives 40 pieces and creates a set of 20 pairs.
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How to play basic Mahjong

At the start, the dealer will be the first to show cards with a total of 14 cards. The goal is to arrange them so that they are divided into 4 pairs with 3 different pairs being counted as buzzing and winning.

  • Vertical bulge: The cards are arranged in a vertical row in order from high to low or vice versa.
  • Phu Ngang (Phong): 3 cards of the same value.
  • Check: Includes 3 of your cards combined with 1 card played by your opponent or drawn by you from the deck.
  • Tai Phao: Note that Tai Phao only applies to Phong and cannot be eaten.
  • You will proceed to play in turn until a hand “comes”.

Scoring rules

When playing mahjong, you must understand how to calculate points, specifically mahjong game rules as follows:

  • 0 comments: Normal victory.
  • 1 says: In his hand, he holds four consecutive pieces.
  • 2: The card has the characteristic of having four Hoa cards of the same type.
  • 3 sentences: Month form with three wind chimes and three dragon chimes.
  • 6: The type of winning with wind and wind is small and joyous.
  • 8 says: The card has the four great joys of wind and wind.

Other special ways to play

Each country will have different regulations on how to play mahjong, depending on the regional culture. In which the Chinese style is widely applied, the deck has only 136 cards. The judgments and forms have just been clearly stated above. In addition, you can also try playing Japanese-style mahjong and double mahjong.

Note when participating in the 8k8 online mahjong experience

  • The way to play online mahjong is similar to traditional, including the rules and regulations mentioned above. Players need to research and understand clearly to avoid mistakes during the experience.
  • When experiencing games on electronic devices, you cannot decide where you sit. Therefore, when playing cards, you need to flexibly switch sets to easily win.
  • A stable internet source will provide smooth entertainment, please ensure this. Don’t get too carried away with online mahjong betting because the chance of winning for a weak player is very low.
  • Regular practice is the secret to helping you improve your thinking level. Come to 8K8 and try to experience through the smallest bets.

So that’s how Mahjong 8K8 has also shared it with readers specifically. With the above information, we hope that you have added valuable knowledge about this unique subject. Wishing everyone great entertainment and success and a resounding victory.

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